Samvadini's Awareness Sessions and Training

One of the main roles that Aalochana has been playing is that of a ‘support group’ to groups that are working at the grassroots. This is done through training and capacity building of their activists who are the main link between the CBO and the communities.

Since Samvadini is run through the activists of the CBOs, increasing their capacities is essential. Relevant information is disseminated and discussed in the community meetings. However, providing information is not enough in the given circumstances when literacy levels are so low especially, women’s. Hence, the program also conducts capacity building and training of women and grassroots activists. This ensures that the information disseminated is understood and it is only then that it can become empowering knowledge. For example, information on the new laws against domestic violence is not just handed out. It is explained through different means like games, case studies and readings. Care is taken to ensure that the information has been understood by revisiting the same a couple of times.


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